SGT life sciences is a company that is striving towards the growth by integrating quality, communication. Our objective is to become a preferred partner in complex organic synthesis from R&D to commercial manufacturing in the fields of pharmaceutical, biotech,cosomotic,agro chemical industry.
The management & technical team of SGT life sciences are having Research experience in Manufacturing of API, API intermediates and CRO exposure for more than decade. Combination of ethics, management skills, technical skills, quality, communication. We are dedicated to provide the quality products and communications to our client’s equivalent to world class standards.

Process R&D – We have well experienced team to work on process R&D. Considering this, we would be able to take up multistep process development, validation and support up to DMF filing
API Intermediates – We have decade of expertise to develop API intermediates in bulk scale
Medicinal Chemistry – Scientists with Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience skilled to handle Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery program effectively.
Pharmaceutical Impurities – We have skill set and high caliber resources to expedite the synthesis of any pharmaceutical impurities.
Custom synthesis of Specialty ChemicalsWe do have capacity to undertake synthesis of specialty chemicals