CRAMS (Contract Research and Manufacturing Services) business model of SGT life sciences being executedin co-ordination with GMP and Non-GMPmanufacturing partners and SGT LIFE SCIENCES is in long term agreements.
SGT life sciences develops the technology and being implemented by its own team in the manufacturing site and takes care the complete responsibility in terms of documentation, delivery and quality.
With CRAMS, we also strengthen our position as a chosen partner with the potential to undertake a broad range of projects on a ‘FTE’ or ‘FFS’ basis.
Our value proposition includes
Scaling chemical development to a technologically efficient and cost-effective manner through the intelligent use of process optimisation and CMC (chemistry, manufacturing and controls) skills
Investing ethical values in our business activities, reflected in important knowledge protection initiatives and building walls to teams working for partner companies and protecting intellectual property
Manufacturing lab-scale, pre-clinical and clinical scale supplies